About Judy
Born in the Okanagan Valley, and now living in Chase, Judy has always been inspired by the hot dry sagebrush and pine country of the interior of BC.
Except for taking one year of commercial art at SAIT in Calgary, Judy is mostly self-taught, having developed her distinctive textural style of painting after taking a workshop with David Langevin of Kamloops.
Judy belongs to the Shuswap Festival of the Arts, theĀ Kamloops Community Arts Council, and theĀ Federation of Canadian Artists, where she has earned her active status.
In the summer of 2004, Judy was included in the Western Art Gallery, a part of the Calgary Stampede. In 2005, she had a picture juried in and sold at the Western Art Aution as well.
In May of 2005 Judy opened her own home-based Studio/Gallery at 502 Pine Street in Chase. She is also featured at Hendrick’s Gallery in Edmonton and the newly opened Shuswap Lake Gallery in Sorrento. Judy can be reached at (250)679-5425.